On Thursday, 28 November at 16:15, the first meeting of the User Group of the Technology Support System for Learning for Students with and without Special Needs of the “Toolbox 2” project will take place at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in the Lucami classroom (st. B, floor -1). The…
Multimedia exposure measurement instrument
We designed the first multimedia exposure measurement instrument. It measures short-term exposure from a multimedia ad. Full paper at https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11042-023-14401-5.
World Telecommunication and Information Society Day
May 17 2021 In November 2006, the ITU Plenipotentiary Conference in Antalya, Turkey, decided to celebrate both events on 17 May as World Telecommunication and Information Society Day. The updated Resolution 68 invites Member States and Sector Members to celebrate the day annually by organizing appropriate national programmes with a…
Living Lab automation: controlled lighting
Our Living lab got controlled lighting. Thanks to the company Entia, we have DALI controlled system allowing us to control lighting in the room in a simple and repeatable way.
Multimedia Exposure Measurement Experiment (MMEM)
In May of this year, we began an experiment to measure multimedia exposure. The study identifies the usefulness of psychophysiological signals for measuring multimedia exposure in terms of useful information for assessing multimedia exposure. As a true value of multimedia exposure, we will assess multimedia exposure using the MMES scale,…
The Communicator speaks Slovenian
The multi-year student project Communicator, which aims to create a socially intelligent communicator (a conversation system with an embodiment, aware of the user’s social signals), has reached a milestone – he speaks Slovenian. Technologies such as Amazon Alexa did not allow this, so we set up the architecture anew and…
Weak Ground Truth Determination of Continuous Human-Rated Data
A research paper (10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3046293) and web tool (https://www.lucami.org/en/WGT/) on Weak Ground Truth Determination of Continuous Human-Rated Data. The article presents a novel weak ground truth (WGT) determination and rater bias removal procedure on continuous human-rated data. The notion of WGT is essential in cases where there is no direct empirical…
Clickstream based user persona recognition
Investor: Telekom Slovenije The team: principal investigator Andrej Košir, researchers Nejc Kozjek, Matevž Kunaver The project aimed at development, implementation and verification (feasibility study) of unsupervised user persona identification algorithm based on remote controller click-stream. We developed a novel user persona identification algorithm analyzing short sequences of user events. The…
User position and breathing rate measurement using pulse radar
Investor: Nielsen The team: principal investigator Andrej Košir, researcher Nejc Kozjek The study focused on evaluating accuracy of presence, distance and respiration rate of a person. Two different radars from the same manufacturer (Novelda) were used: XeThru X4M200 for respiration and XeThru X4M300 for distance measurement and presence. In order…

Human spoken commands recognition using Far-field voice processor
Investor: Nielsen The team: principal investigator Andrej Košir, researcher Nejc Kozjek The main goal of this study is to evaluate the potential of XMOS far-field sensor in terms of priory known human spoken commands and keywords recognition. The study includes analysis of basic connectivity and configurability of the sensor as…