Ethical challenges and issues in human to smart systems communication are integral part of the artificial system development whenever human users are involved. The progress in sensing, artificial social intelligence together with recent advances of machine learning also brought novel ethical challenges that need to be resolved.
Every researcher and developer in the field should be aware of main challenges and guidelines. Therefore, we integrated it into two teaching courses “Optimization in telecommunications” and “User adapted communication”.
Every research (paper, PhD, …) and service development (project) involving sensitive user data and/or sensitive experimental procedures should undergo Ethical verification. There are several committees available within our university:
- General, smart systems: Komisija univerze v ljubljani za etiko v raziskavah, ki vključuje delo z ljudmi (KERL UL)
- Teaching and learning: Komisija za etiko Pedagoške fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani
- Psychology: Komisija za etiko Filozofske fakultete (KEFF)
- Medical related: Komisija Republike Slovenije za medicinsko etiko
Regarding EU regulations, see Recommendations to the Commission on a framework of ethical aspects of artificial intelligence, robotics and related technologies.
A rich reference is also EU project SATORI (