
Monitoring and improving individual support for learners: assessing and overcoming anxiety with assistive technologies (CRP)

Investor: Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS) and Ministry of Education, Science and Sport (MIZS)

Partners: The Counselling Centre for Children, Adolescents and Parents Ljubljana

The team:
principal investigator Andrej Košir,
Team FE: Andrej Košir, Gregor Strle, Urban Burnik, Janez Zaletelj, Marko Meža, Janez Perš, Jože Guna, Iztok Fajfar, Klemen Grm
Team SCOMS: Peter Janjušević, Marko Kalan, Mateja Hudoklin

The aim of the research project is to develop and integrate innovative Assistive Technology (AT) into the process of individualized treatment of mathematical anxiety (MA). The proposed AT will enable real-time monitoring and support for individualized treatments of children with MA and related learning disabilities, based on psychophysiological signal measurements and machine learning.

The proposed AT allows for objective and real-time measurement, assessment and prediction of an individual’s psychophysiological states and anxiety. It is non-invasive and includes: a sensor bracelet to measure electrodermal activity, movement (accelerometer, gyroscope) and heart rate; gaze-tracking goggles to measure cognitive load, attention and MA (based on gaze measurement, pupil dilation, saccades and fixations); and non-invasive remote sensors (placed in the environment) to measure psychophysiological signals remotely with thermal (infrared) camera, and computer-based gaze tracking and affect recognition devices.