Gregor Strle
Gregor Strle, PhD, is a research fellow at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering (University of Ljubljana) and at the Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts. He received his B.A. from Philosophy and M.A. from Information Science from University of Ljubljana in 2002 and 2008, respectively. He received his PhD in Cognitive Sciences from University of Nova Gorica in 2012. He received Master thesis Award in Information Science from University of Ljubljana (2008), Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts research grant (2009), and Swedish Institute doctoral scholarship at Lund University Cognitive Science Department (2010). His research focuses on cognitive aspects of affective computing and human-computer interaction. He is especially interested in how temporary affective states influence individual’s perception and action, and how the mechanisms underlying user behavior can be applied in the area of affective and social computing. Recent research includes modeling of affect and emotions, as well as multimodal perception, attention, and human-computer interaction in socially intelligent systems.
Affective computing; emotion elicitation; social intelligence; cognition, perception and action; human-computer interaction; computational and cognitive semantics.
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