
Štefan Dobravec

Mag. Štefan Dobravec, asistent

Lokacija Laboratorij LUCAMI BK20
Telefon +386 1 4768 857
Mobilni tel. +386 31 471 281
Skype stefan.dobravec


Diplomiral leta 1999 in magistriral leta 2003 na Fakulteti za elektrotehniko, Univerzi v Ljubljani.

Od leta 1999 zaposlen na Fakulteti za elektrotehniko, Univerzi v Ljubljani.

Med leti 2010 in 2012 delno zaposlen na centru odličnosti VESOLJE-SI.

Raziskovalno delo

Obdelava socialnih signalov v priporočilnih sistemih
 Razvoj priporočilnih sistemov podprtih s tehnologijo zajema, analize in interpretacije socialnih signalov. 


1999-2001 EU FP5-IST myTV: personalised services for digital television
To develop, standardise, implement, validate and demonstrate a consumer platform with built-in local storage, for personalised services in digital broadcasting and broadband communication.
2002-2004 EU FP5-IST P2People: 'Common Interests' search engine and collaboration platform
To research & develop a P2P collaborative framework and a prototype application to allow people to form “common interest” groups and provide those groups members with new ways to communicate, collaborate and make business together.
2002-2003 EU FP5-IST Muffins: MUltimedia Framework For INteroperability in Secure (MPEG-21) environments
To investigate the problem of description, delivery and protection of rich-media content, and to propose a complete solution framework for usage of that content.
2003-2005 EU FP6-IST Tiramisu: The Innovative Rights and Access Management Inter-platform SolUtion
To develop a complete end-to-end framework solution for digital media consumption, consisting of hardware and software focussing on interoperability, use of open standards, and protection of intellectual assets.
2004-2006 EU FP6-IST Content4All: Cross-platform tools for community content publishing
 To develop an open-source cross–media framework under which sharing, communication and content management is to be provided using broadcast, wired and wireless distribution channels. Taking advantage of the “peer–to–peer” infrastructure, the proposed infrastructure is to be used for leisure, entertainment and communication purposes.
2007-2009 EU FP6-IST Victory: Audio-VIsual ConTent search and retrieval in a distributed P2P repositORY
To develop a novel search and retrieval framework that allows easy integration of different search methodologies.

Pedagoško delo

Working as a lecturer at the Multimedia Communication study programme at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering. Current courses:

Multimedijske tehnologije I
Izvajanje laboratorijskih vaj na tematiko osnovnih principov multimedijskih vsebin in aplikacij.
Postopki obdelave signalov
Izvajanje laboratorijskih vaj na tematiko osnovnih principov digitalne obdelave signalov. 
Interaktivna multimedija
Izvajanje vaj na tematiko interaktivnih multimedijskih storitev in aplikacij. 

Objavljene publikacije

  • KUNAVER, Matevž, DOBRAVEC, Štefan, POŽRL, Tomaž, KOŠIR, Andrej. Increasing Top-20 search results diversity through recommendation post-processing. V: UMAP 2014. CANTADOR, Iván (ur.). UMAP 2014 extended proceedings : posters, demos, late-breaking results and workshop proceedings of the 22nd Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation, and Personalization, Aalborg, Denmark, July 7-11, 2014, (CEUR workshop proceedings, ISSN 1613-0073, vol. 1181). [S. l.]: CEUR-WS, 2014, str. 1-6, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 10706004] Download…
  • KUNAVER, Matevž, POŽRL, Tomaž, DOBRAVEC, Štefan, KOŠIR, Andrej. Increasing Top-20 diversity through recommendation post-processing. V: 11th European Semantic Web Conference, May 25th – 29th 2014, Heraklion, Crete, Greece. Semantic Web evaluation. [S. l.]: STI International, cop. 2010-2014, str. 1-6, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 10611284] Download…
  • TKALČIČ, Marko, KOŠIR, Andrej, DOBRAVEC, Štefan, TASIČ, Jurij F. Emotional properties of latent factors in an image recommender system. Elektrotehniški vestnik, ISSN 2232-3228. [English print ed.], 2011, vol. 78, no. 4, str. 177-180, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 8815956]
  • DARAS, Petros, DOBRAVEC, Štefan, TRNKOCZY, Jernej, et al. VICTORY – a 3D search engine over P2P and wireless P2P networks. V: Proceedings of the 4th Annual International Conference on Wireless Internet, Maui, Hawaii, November 17-19, 2008, (ACM international conference proceedings series, 682). Brussels: Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering: = ICST, 2008, cop. 2009, str. 1-5, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 7169108]
  • MARUŠIČ, Boštjan, DOBRAVEC, Štefan, CUETOS, Philippe de, CONCOLATO, Cyril, PIRON, Laurent, TASIČ, Jurij F. TIRAMISU : a novel approach to content representation and key management for seamless super-distribution of protected media. Signal processing, Image communication, ISSN 0923-5965. [Print ed.], 2005, vol. 20, str. 947-971, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 5075028]