
Monitoring state and context of the mobile user

Coordinator: associate professor dr. Matej Zajc (UL-FE)

Members: Dejan Hrovatin (UL-FE), David Jereb (UL-FE), Rok Kepa (UL-FE), Nastja Miheljak (UL-ALUO), Amira Mujanović (UM-FOV), Natalija Nadbath (UL-FE), Robert Pavlovič (UL-FE), Alina Pšeničny (UL-FE), Janja Sitar (UL-FE) and Blaž Vidmar (UL-FE)

Mentors: dr. Matej Zajc (UL-FE), dr. Emil Plesnik (Marand d.o.o), dr. Marko Meža (UL-FE), dr. Mirjana Borštnar Kljajić (UM-FOV) and dr. Helena Lesar (ZOTKS)

Project duration: march 2015 – july 2015


About the project:
Modern mobile technology enables monitoring of increased number of parameters that are
associated with human health and well-being. Our project goal is to collect data with sensors
(which are attahed on a user), such as ECG sensor and GPS receiver, accelerometer and heart
rate monitor, analyse them, and then properly interpret the results. We wanted to monitor a
driver while driving a car, and see how external signals (such as the weather, road accidents,
mobile calls, etc.) affect the drivers psychophysical state while driving. We also wanted to see
psychophysical response to other activities, such as running, walking, exercising, etc. . The
results of our work will be presented at international conferences and other events.

Sub projects:

hartb 1) ECG/HRV anysis
Properly logging ECG signal with further processing, which includes
HRV analysis to determine the stress, allows us deep insight into the
human psycho-physical on a time scale. If we used GPS receiver too, the
view is extended to spatial level.
index 2)Accelerometer
We detect movement of the person with accelerometer which measures
three directions: x, y and z. With appropriate analysis of raw data, we can
predict which activities a person was doing. Identifying characteristics of
different activities is possible with a suitable selection of features and
customized machine learning algorithm.
acquisitionPPG 3) PPG
PPG (photoplethysmogram) presents measurments of heart rate by using
light. The finger is illuminated with light of a specific wavelegnth and at
the same time we measure how much the light is absorbed in blood.
Factor od absrobtion varies through the cycle of cardiac activity, which
allows to determine frequency of the heart rate.

Past events:

FIT_festival_inovativnih_tehnologij 1) Festival of innovative technologies (FIT)
We presented accelerometer sensor and ECG sensor to kids from age 12
to 17 at the festival of innovative technologies (FIT), which took place on
28th of March 2015 at the Faculty of electrical engineering in Ljubljana.
Visitors were able to test accelerometer themselves and tried to determine
its response depending on the inclination of the sensor. ECG sensor was
fixed on one project member, so visitors were only able to see his heart
rate signal via Senseview application (created by Mobili d.o.o).
cropped-eConference_CMYK-small 2) 28. Bled e-conference
We successfully participated at the e-conference in Bled, held from
7th to 9th of June 2015, where we introduced our project at the Future
University round table. The participants were intrigued by the
functionality of our interdisciplinary team and our ability to translate
knowledge recieved through our studies to solving real world problems.
index 3) Zotkini talenti
We presented at ZOTKS talents event, which was held on 12th of June 2015 at Cankarjev Dom in Ljubljana.
The event to which were invited the recipients of the highest awards of school competitions, has provided a great opportunity to introduce our idea of project to young perspective people.

Future events:

ieee 1) ERK
We are going to present our work at  Electrotechnical and Computer conference (ERK), which will held between 21th and 23 th of September 2015 in Portorož.

In cooperation with:

ess_barvni logo FE lezeci svetla podlagalogo-um-ang Marand
Sklad_logo MIZS_slo-300x48zotks_logo mobili_logo