Responsive Menu
Andrej Košir
Matej Zajc
Urban Burnik
Janez Zaletelj
Gregor Strle
Igor Mendek
Tim Marentič
Klara Anžur
Previous members
Jurij F. Tasič
Marko Meža
Matevž Kunaver
Štefan Dobravec
Evin Aslan Oguz
Franc Policardi
Study programs
Summer Schools
Take a virtual 4D trip
Research Topics
Users in Multimedia Communications
Users in Elderly Care
Users and the Learning Process
Gestural Interfaces
Tangible interaction
Research projects
Multimedia exposure meter
Learning with mobile terminal should be a play
Monitoring state and context of the mobile user
Electric power system users’ behavior optimization
Human spoken commands recognition using Far-field voice processor
User position and breathing rate measurement using pulse radar
Clickstream based user persona recognition
Research datasets and tools
Tool: Rater bias removal and Weak Ground Truth determination tool
LDOS-CoMoDa dataset
Research Equipment
EV4EU – Electric Vehicles Management for carbon neutrality in Europe
Monitoring and improving individual support for learners: assessing and overcoming anxiety with assistive technologies (CRP)
Welcome to project iMath
Development of models for exploratory and context-sensitive machine analysis
Accessibility of ICT-supported pedagogical process services and solutions at UL
Multimedia exposure meter
Electric power system users’ behavior optimization
Human spoken commands recognition using Far-field voice processor
Experience sampling and context-dependence of users’ responses
User position and breathing rate measurement using pulse radar
Clickstream based user persona recognition
Stereoscopic monitor
The system is used for stereoscopic image viewing.
More information can be
found here
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