
AE Thesis: Contemporary design of Web services using Symfony framework

AE Thesis: Contemporary design of Web services using Symfony framework

Title: Contemporary design of Web services using Symfony framework

Author: Marko Antolović
Supervisor: viš. pred. dr. Urban Burnik
Date: 14.3.2016

The diploma thesis presents the process of modern web development using Symfony framework.
The thesis is divided into three major parts. The first part briefly acquaints with the framework, web technologies and programing language on which the Symfony framework is based. The first part also presents the tools which were used to develop the test case of modern interactive web solution.
The second part presents the test case of an interactive portal which allows users to compare prices of different vendors. Afterwards the user scenarios, portal functionality and framework components or libraries which we used to implement the desired functionality are presented.
The third part describes the solutions of specific functionality, which were made with Blog, User, Contact, Product and Search bundles. Afterwards the process of authentication and authorization which takes place in the framework and on the price comparison portal is described. At the end authorization rules and conclusions of the thesis are described.

PHP, Symfony, Composer, Component, Controller, Dependency Injection, Database Abstraction Layer, Bootstrap, Bundle