MMK Thesis: Sandra Urankar

MMK Thesis: Sandra Urankar

Interactive infographics: Design and implementation Author: Sandra Urankar Menthor: izr. prof. dr. Matej Zajc Thesis defense: Wednesday, 16.9.2015, Diplomska soba Abstract The thesis describes researching the benefits of visual data representation, planning and preparing interactive infographic as a website. The latter demands not only previous knowledge on design-area and programming, but also knowledge…

MMK Thesis: Samo Bihar

Creating animated video for product promotion Author: Samo Bihar Mentor: izr. prof. dr. Matej Zajc Thesis defense: Tuesday, 29.9.2015, mala diplomska soba Abstract This diploma thesis describes the process of creating 2d animated video with the purpose of promoting educational mobile games for children. Exposure to large amount of infromation…