Interactive infographics: Design and implementation
Author: Sandra Urankar
Menthor: izr. prof. dr. Matej Zajc
Thesis defense: Wednesday, 16.9.2015, Diplomska soba
The thesis describes researching the benefits of visual data representation, planning and preparing interactive infographic as a website. The latter demands not only previous knowledge on design-area and programming, but also knowledge of current guidelines and programming environments for creating such contents.
A good quality product can be reached only with a good design and in compliance with order of processes which is required for smooth implementation from collecting ideas to their realisation. Therein all phases are theoretically and practically presented.
Cycling theme was selected on the basis of today’s traffic safety. Namely, youngsters are daily exposed to different situations in which they do not know to react properly. The final product is interactive sophisticated responsive web site which will inform people on road traffict regulations, innovations and statistics during a virtual cycling.
Key words: visual communication, infographic, interactivity, website, Adobe Illustrator, flat design, HTML5, CSS3, jQuery