
Objavljeni strokovni članki

Določanje šibke prave vrednosti za zvezne podatke, označene s človeškimi označevalci

Objavili smo raziskovalni članek (10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3046293) in spletno orodje ( novega postopek ugotavljanja šibke prave vrednosti (WGT) časovno odvisnih podatkov. Določanje WGT je bistveno v primerih, ko ni neposrednih empiričnih meritev za opazovani konstrukt in je človeško ocenjevanje najbolj zanesljivo sredstvo za določanje prave vrednosti. Glavna ideja predlaganega postopka je preoblikovanje…

Članek o računskem modelu pozornosti uporabnika

Marko Meža, Janja Košir, Gregor Strle, and Andrej Košir: Towards Automatic Real-Time Estimation of Observed Learner’s Attention Using Psychophysiological and Affective Signals: The Touch-Typing Study Case This article presents an experimental study on the real-time estimation of observed learners’ attention given the task of touch-typing. The aim is to examine whether the observed attention…

Članek o povezavi med pozornostjo študentom in njihovim učnim napredkom

Urban Burnik, Janez Zaletelj, Andrej Košir: Video-based learners’ observed attention estimates for lecture learning gain evaluation This paper suggests an objective and non-intrusive evaluation of learners’ attention against learning outcomes by introducing an observed attention estimate (OAE). The procedure uses human annotations based on visual cues with a supporting video recording/playback…

Članek o študentske projektu in kariernih možnosti študentov

Urban Burnik, Andrej Košir: Industrial product design project: building up engineering students’ career prospects The needs to bridge the academic skills of students involved in higher education and improve their readiness for employment in industry are being widely addressed. This paper presents results of a specific engineering project case supervised by the…